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What We Do | Support

Antisocial Behaviour (ASB)

We’re realistic at Bedspace, and we know that issues around antisocial behaviour are always a risk in our sector, despite all the work we do to avoid them.  Instead of shying away, we’ve committed to taking a bold and proactive approach that tackles these issues quickly and decisively whenever they arise. 

We start by working closely with our partners including the Police, local councils and our landlords, as well as working with the service users themselves.   We also employ a dedicated Housing Officer who has specialist skills and experience in this sensitive area.  Our tried and tested complaints and investigation process helps us really get to the bottom of things, and we use the ASDAN framework to develop a clear understanding of neighbourliness among the people who live in the housing we provide.

Our approach works both ways too, and we use it to support our tenants if they become the victims of antisocial behaviour themselves. 

Reporting anti-social behaviour

If you’d like to report anti-social behaviour, you can email our dedicated address at asb@bedspace.co.uk.